Thursday, April 10, 2008

Key to Answering the DM Case Study Question 1

Hey guys, I was quite confused as to how to answer the DM Case Study because I got only 2 on 14 in the prelims so Shaista gave me the paper of this chick from last year who got 12 marks on 14 in the case study (in the prelims corrected by Kombrabail) and im going to try and highlight the main points with respect to what to put in the case study. Im relying totally on the girl who got 12 on 14 and this is NOT THE KEY GIVEN BY ANY TEACHER SPECIFICALLY so follow at your own risk. But I think it should help nevertheless.


Part (i) – Product Offering


  • First give an initial introduction. The contents of which are often listed in the question itself. Eg. X is a computer institute which has decided to enter the Indian Market and broaden its scope due to technological progress in the Indian Market.


After that go on to Defining the Product Offering. For that you can include specific details about the product:

  • This would include the features of the product, the guarantees offered by the product, if it is a service then the duration of the programme e.g. the course is for 6 months and it has 3D, Java, Animation. It guarantees an International Exchange Programme for example.
  • You can also say that there are 4 turns a week etc. (so if it's a product then you can say that there are 400 varieties etc)
  • Then you have to include the cost of the product.
  • If there is any down payment required then stress on that. Eg. Rs. 5000 on signup
  • Talk about other specifics with respect to the product performance and quality of performance (eg. Staff is highly trained etc.)
  • Then you can say that product offering will be widened after testing response to this DM effort.

SO BROADLY – Features of the Product, Guarantees Offered, Duration (for services), Price, Terms and Conditions for Delivery, Reinforcing Performance Factors


I guess we all should remember that there is very initial information provided about the product offering so we need to fabricate stuff and develop it along the above stated guidelines.


Part (ii) – Lead Generation


Under Lead Generation, 1st she has listed segmentation (im not sure if this is altogether necessary but no harm in putting some pointers and specifying the TA – better to be safe than sorry :D)


  1. SEC
  2. Psychographics
  3. Demographics (Age, Sex, Income)
  4. LifeStyle
  5. A short 1 line summary of the Target Audience with emphasis on personality attributes and how it relates to the product.


After Segmentation she has gone on to state List Selection.

List the various kinds of 'lists' you can procure your information from.

This could include (you need not necessarily list all – I guess whichever applies)

  1. Subscription Lists
  2. Membership Lists
  3. Buyer Lists
  4. Seminar Lists


Part (iii) – Database Development

Database Development ideally has 4 stages. But here we need not list all 4 stages because Stage 1 i. e. Managing the Data Source has already dealt with above.


Thus this answer starts with Managing the Data Entry.

Talk about various measures that you would take such as: (make them case relevant)

  • Validation of Data
  • Duplication
  • Merge Purge
  • Verification of Data


Also talk about the various things you will do with the data. This could include:

  • Identification of common interests of consumers
  • Segregation of those consumer segments
  • Specific DM Programmes for those Segments to make the programme more 'personal'


Also list one line on measures for termination (eg. If a person does not respond for 3 continuous times then he may be terminated from the list)


Under Database Development, another brief mention has also been given to Customer Relationship Management

This includes:

  • Loyalty Programme (eg. You can just list that the consumers enrolled get discounts for higher courses in the case of a computer education center)
  • Customer Care (eg. 24 x 7 call center in case of technical products)
  • You can also list Suggestion Boxes
  • Anything that comes to your mind and is relevant to the case.


Try and make all this brief because otherwise it becomes TOO lengthy.


Part (iv) – Methodology


Here you just list the steps that the Direct Marketing Plan will follow. So this again becomes specific to the case and your creativity.

Just try and make it brief though.

So you can say:

  • Sending Direct Mailer to the audiences (this could be in 2 installments, 3 installments, single mailer)
  • Talk briefly about the contents of the mailer and how it gives incentives for quick response, the information it provides and how it communicates the various product attributes.
  • If you are using Internet then briefly state the contents of the internet strategy also (blogs, Pop Ups, search ads etc)


In the End finish off with Duration of the Campaign (exact – like 3 months from Jan to March etc.)



This is a framework that I have tried to make just looking at the paper of this girl who got 12 marks out of 14 so again I stress that follow it at your own risk because no teacher has advocated this. But I think it makes sense. If any of you have any information, any additions or subtractions to make and any more clues on how to do this and not get 2 on 14 like I did :D then by all means please do. The comments column is open.